Pleasure craft

Pleasure craft

Navigate with respect!

The lake is an environment that offers many opportunities for recreation. However, motorized navigation practiced in an unaccountable way may have an impact on the health of the water. Everyone must take responsibility for preserving the fauna, flora and the quality of the lake water.

Here are some basic rules to respect on our little lake:

  • Boat speed must be reduced at departure and upon arrival at a dock
  • The maximum speed is 10 km/h within 60 meters of the shore
  • Water skiing is practiced more than 60 meters from the shore
  • Wakeboarding must be done more than 100 meters from the shore
  • Non-motorized boats (kayaks, boards, canoes and row boats) have priority over motorboats.

Be aware that large waves greatly disturb the shore line. In addition, they destabilize light crafts and displease users of the lake.

Using courtesy and common sense

Stay alert! At high speeds, it’s hard to see swimmers, water skiers, divers as well as other vessels in time to avoid them. Moreover, don’t forget that when you are on the water, it is important to know the depth of water, in order to avoid damaging the engine propeller. In the event that you must recover a person overboard, do not forget to shut down the engines.

It is important to stay away from swimming areas to avoid the risk of injury to swimmers. A boat’s wake can damage other vessels, docks and the shoreline. It can also be a risk for swimmers, divers and people on small boats which could capsize. Pay attention to of how your boat’s wake might affect others when determining your speed. You will be responsible for any damages or harm you cause.

Boating Safety

Please refer to our page on boating safety.

Boat Washing Station and Mandatory Stickers

To help address the threat of aquatic invasive species, as seen with Eurasian Water-milfoil in Lake Chapleau, the Municipality of La Minerve has increased its vigilance relative to the boat washing as of spring 2018.

The regulation on washing boats has been updated (Regulation 663) and its provisions will be applied.

In addition, the regulation requires that all boaters obtain a sticker for their watercraft.

Read more (French only)


Know that the municipality is putting in place a municipal patrol system to ensure compliance with regulations with possible fines for offenders.